Island - The Enterprise Browser
The Island Enterprise Browser is the future of how organisations deliver access to their applications and tools. In today’s workplace, the browser has become the place where nearly all work is done. Gone are the days of the browser being a relatively unimportant tool, instead the browser can now be the central touch point and operating platform for users. With that in mind, Island brings a host of productivity and security features right into the focal point of where most organisations’ data is accessed and consumed. Features and Security which has never been seen before in the browser.
Control everything that happens inside the browser. Set hyper-granular policies for how your data and applications are used, keeping everything where it belongs. Create the intelligent and understandable boundaries across all users, platforms, devices, locations, environments and assets.
Increased visibility, security and productivity
Have the visibility of your data and how your users are using it. Customise the logging level of what actions users are taking inside the browser. Review screenshots of critical actions and gain the context of those actions in situ as to how the user saw things. Integrate into the SIEM of your choice for complete data visibility.
Secure your data by installing, embedding and enforcing tools natively in the browser. Island comes with its own abilities for isolation, phishing protection and web filtering. Expand on that by installing your own security suite applications and ensuring they protect your data in the only way your data can be accessed.
Increase the productivity of your workforce with custom browser automation, a smart clipboard manager, a company home screen and integrated into single sign-on for simplistic use by all of your users.
A more appreciative approach to BYOD
Secure the last mile of data use. Are your users allowed to print a document, creating a new physical copy that is more or less untraceable? Are they allowed to screen share or screenshot your data, who can now see that information? Can data copied from a CRM or support case be pasted into an email, what if that was their personal email account?
Easily make Island Enterprise Browser the go-to platform for users, whatever device they use, wherever they access from. The security policies and protections you can now apply at the browser level mean you can care less about the underlying device in use, allowing a more appreciative approach to BYOD and shared device use.
Why Choose Us
Our values inspire and guide us towards cyber security excellence
SEP2 are cyber-security specialists whose success is built on five values:
We have always worked hard to ensure that we are offering an honest and transparent set of solutions to our clients. This means always prioritising the right solutions to our customers.
Committed to Good
SEP2 is an honourable organisation guided by a strong moral compass. We live this value with authenticity; it is not about simply ticking a social responsibility box. We understand that we are on the side of ‘good’ in a continuing war against cyber criminality, and that we have a purpose and duty to perform.
No matter who you talk to at SEP2, you will find someone truly passionate about the sector that they are working in. We are fanatical about the sector – working in cyber security really means something to each and every one of us.
Tech Driven
People Powered
We understand that the tech alone is not going to provide you with the security you need. It is our job to know these solutions inside-out to ensure they are right for your requirements. We understand that we need to listen and be proactive. We live our ‘people powered’ value and have a proud history of investing in apprentices to help us grow.
Why we use Island
Visibility and Control
Ultimate visibility and control of your data, anywhere, on any device, from any location. Redact or restrict data based upon any of those points.
The modern platform for work
With so many SaaS and web-based applications, many users now work only from their browser. Use Island to manage, control and empower that use.
Set your data boundaries
Allow access to your data on your terms. Apply sensitivity labels and DLP policies to block or allow data sharing based on your needs.
Secure the last mile of data
Control what your users can do to and with your corporate data.
You're not alone
Tech Driven. People Powered.
Protect your business today
To find out more about how we can secure your organisation against all forms of cyber security attack, get in touch with SEP2 now or sign up to our newsletter.