
Revolutionising Security at SEP2 with Island

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SEP2, a cybersecurity specialist, provides a range of services and managed solutions for diverse clients in the public and private sectors. Like most organisations, SEP2 relies on a wide range of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions and Cloud applications, covering all aspects of the business – from the HR system to the CRM platform, all the way through to the technical operations. The window to all these applications is, of course, through a browser.

Previously, SEP2 employees used various commercial browsers, each requiring specific security controls, VPNs, and proxies. As a business, SEP2 consistently grappled with the challenge of maintaining necessary levels of control over both their own data and that of their customers, while also striving to minimise friction for their own users. The multiplicity of point solutions funnelled all traffic through the data centre, resulting in resource and bandwidth consumption. Additionally, file scanning of downloaded files can add friction for users, even during personal browsing activities.

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Island's offering

By switching to Island, SEP2 no longer have to deploy the range of point solutions but can instead secure their data straight through the browser. 

What most excited Paul Starr, CEO and business leader of SEP2, was the multitude of solutions consolidated within Island’s Enterprise Browser. These include web filtering, anti-phishing protection, DLP, and SASE capabilities, all integrated into a single product. The browser also allows for increased security measures when using a BYOD device compared to a company laptop. 

SEP2 can ensure that certain company resources, such as the HR system, can only be accessed through Island. Additional features, such as on-screen watermarks for sensitive information, limitations on entering corporate credentials on certain websites, and restrictions on copying and pasting, provide extra layers of security.

“Our employees can be in the office, work remotely, use their own device at home and mobile devices, and I’m confidently reassured about the security of the device because we are securing at the browser level. It’s like a company portal that allows my users to be productive wherever they are, on any device.”

Paul Starr, CEO – SEP2

Working with Island

SEP2 have also found the Island team easy to work with. “Island has opened up a myriad of ways for us to improve our end user experience whilst improving our security posture at the same time,” says James Woodward, Head of Technical Services. “Whenever we had questions on how to best use the product, our dedicated contact at Island was quick to respond with helpful advice.” 

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“From an implementation point of view, again this was all about reducing friction for our employees. Just by encouraging everyone to use it, showing the extra features and then enforcing it for corporate apps, most people only use Island now anyway. So, we haven’t had to enforce it because it’s been a natural progression.”

James Woodward, Head of Technical Services

The Future with Island

Implementing Island has proven to be a cost-effective solution for SEP2, as it eliminates the need to scale-up previously employed solutions, freeing up resources for other strategic initiatives. James and Paul are both excited for the future, with James saying, “We’re on a journey with Island, we haven’t exhausted its capabilities by any means.” Island are constantly improving, with new features being rolled out all the time. As Island continues to evolve and innovate, SEP2 looks forward to leveraging its capabilities to uphold the highest standards of both security and productivity.

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Our values inspire and guide us towards cyber security excellence

SEP2 are cyber-security specialists whose success is built on five values:

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We have always worked hard to ensure that we are offering an honest and transparent set of solutions to our clients. This means always prioritising the right solutions to our customers.

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Committed to Good

SEP2 is an honourable organisation guided by a strong moral compass. We live this value with authenticity; it is not about simply ticking a social responsibility box. We understand that we are on the side of ‘good’ in a continuing war against cyber criminality, and that we have a purpose and duty to perform.

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No matter who you talk to at SEP2, you will find someone truly passionate about the sector that they are working in. We are fanatical about the sector – working in cyber security really means something to each and every one of us.

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Tech Driven

Cyber Security is by nature a tech-heavy sector. It is fast-moving and complex. This is why we only partner with vendors that truly understand the sector and have solutions that are tried and tested. We fundamentally believe in our portfolio of vendor solutions.
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People Powered

We understand that the tech alone is not going to provide you with the security you need. It is our job to know these solutions inside-out to ensure they are right for your requirements. We understand that we need to listen and be proactive. We live our ‘people powered’ value and have a proud history of investing in apprentices to help us grow.

Every SEP2 colleague lives these values every day. We have a culture of passionate people who work as a team that will never leave a job incomplete.

Tech Driven. People Powered.

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Kieron sitting at a desk in the SEP2 office posing for his headshot


Central Response Team Manager

Kieron has been with SEP2 since 2019 and works in our support team.

For Kieron, there is no typical day at SEP2, for one day he can be working through open tickets, another day you could be working on a priority case for the duration of the day, and another day you could be working on an ongoing project, but what Kieron enjoys is that the mix of challenges keeps the role fresh and interesting.

Kieron likes that within the support team everybody works well together, and shares knowledge between every level and are constantly being encouraged to learn.

In his spare time, Kieron’s current favourite hobby is working on his allotment, which gives him a nice change of scenery and a break from technology.