
Our Accreditations

Vendor Qualifications

The SEP2 team have extensive knowledge and experience across our vendor partners.

This is demonstrated by our individual qualifications and the partnership levels and specialisations which SEP2 hold.

As an example, a core vendor for SEP2 is Check Point, a recognised leader in the Cyber Security Industry. SEP2 have five Check Point Certified Security Master – Elites, the top level technical certification within the Check Point Education Programme, as well as seven Check Point Certified Security Masters, and a variety of the Specialism certifications across all elements of the technology offerings.

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James, Alex and JC working at their computers with the Tech Driven wall in the background

Industry Standards

As well as achieving the highest level of vendor specific certification and accreditations, SEP2 also recognise the importance of industry certifications and standards such as (ISC)2 Certified Information Security Systems Professional (CISSP), and have many staff certified at this level.

One of the SEP2 CISSP certified consultants has participated in multiple workshops held by (ISC)2, the governing body for the CISSP accreditation. The workshops are aimed at ensuring that the CISSP exam remains relevant to the cyber security profession, and involved peer reviewing and creating new examination questions for the exam.

Security Accredatations

SEP2 has achieved certification to the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 27001 framework for Information Security Standard.

Being certified to the ISO27001 standard proves that SEP2 take information security seriously and can be trusted to handle their own and their customer data securely.

SEP2 originally completed certification in December 2017 and have been certified since; SEP2 achieved the certification demonstrating the commitment to our Information Security Management System and the processes, procedures, systems and tools that underpin it.

The ISMS scope is:
“The ISMS applies to the delivery of Consultancy, Support and Managed Information Security Services to customers of SEP2 Limited in accordance with the ISMS Statement of Applicability revision 0.2”

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Cert No. 15330-ISN – 001
ISO 27001
Cert No. 15330-ISN – 001
ISO 27001
3 headshots, (left-right) Cameron, Jon and Adam, in front of the Momentum Icon

Our Team

SEP2 have a wide range of experience and certification within the technical team. 

Our engineers, consultants and analysts have extensive experience across many years, working with a large range of cyber security vendors.

We are proud to have one of the most technically accredited teams across our leading vendors.

SEP2 also value vendor independent cyber security accreditations, and have a number of Industry Recognised “Gold Standard” ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP)

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Tech Driven. People Powered.

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Kieron sitting at a desk in the SEP2 office posing for his headshot


Central Response Team Manager

Kieron has been with SEP2 since 2019 and works in our support team.

For Kieron, there is no typical day at SEP2, for one day he can be working through open tickets, another day you could be working on a priority case for the duration of the day, and another day you could be working on an ongoing project, but what Kieron enjoys is that the mix of challenges keeps the role fresh and interesting.

Kieron likes that within the support team everybody works well together, and shares knowledge between every level and are constantly being encouraged to learn.

In his spare time, Kieron’s current favourite hobby is working on his allotment, which gives him a nice change of scenery and a break from technology.