
The Dangers of Social Engineering

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Social engineering is a tactic used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into giving away sensitive information or performing actions that may compromise their security. It is a form of psychological manipulation that plays on human emotions and cognitive biases, making it one of the most dangerous types of cyber attack. 


One of the most common forms of social engineering is phishing. Phishing attacks use emails or text messages that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or a government agency. The message will often contain a link or an attachment that, when clicked, will either install malware on the victim’s device or direct them to a website where they will be prompted to enter personal information. 

Email Phishing


Another form of social engineering is vishing, which is similar to phishing but uses phone calls or voice mail instead of emails. The attacker will often impersonate a bank, government agency or other trusted organization, tricking the victim into providing sensitive information such as credit card numbers or login credentials. 

Spear phishing


Spear-phishing is another form of social engineering and is a targeted form of phishing attack, usually directed at a specific individual or organization. The attacker will often use information that is publicly available, such as social media profiles, to personalize the phishing email and make it more convincing. 


Pretexting is a social engineering tactic where an attacker will use a fabricated scenario to convince a target to provide sensitive information. It is a common tactic used by attackers who are trying to gain access to an individual’s account, steal their identity or gain confidential information. 

Why is it so effective?

Social engineering attacks can be highly effective because they take advantage of human emotions and cognitive biases, such as trust and the desire to be helpful. Attackers can exploit these vulnerabilities by creating messages that appear to be from a trusted source, or by creating a sense of urgency that prompts victims to act without thinking. 

It is crucial for individuals and organizations to be aware of the dangers of social engineering and to take steps to protect themselves. This includes being vigilant and sceptical of unsolicited emails and phone calls, as well as being cautious when clicking on links or providing personal information online. Additionally, organizations should provide regular training and education to employees on how to recognize and avoid social engineering attacks. 

Social engineering

How can you mitigate Social Engineering?  

To protect against social engineering attacks, organisations should implement robust security controls, such as firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems, as well as maintaining updated software and operating systems. It is also recommended to conduct regular security assessments, penetration testing and incident response planning.  

In order to make staff more vigilant, consider using a professional user awareness training service such as Proofpoint or Knowbe4. These services can be invaluable in giving your users real life experience in what social engineering attacks can look like and also test their awareness and readiness to respond. 

In conclusion, social engineering attacks are a serious threat to both individuals and organizations. They take advantage of human emotions and cognitive biases, making them one of the most dangerous types of cyber attack. To protect against social engineering attacks, it is important to be vigilant, sceptical and cautious when providing personal information, and to implement robust security controls and incident response planning. By staying informed and being proactive, individuals and organizations can better protect themselves against social engineering attacks and minimize the potential damage they can cause. 

If you’d like to know more about cyber security awareness training and how to implement it in your business, get in touch. 

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Kieron sitting at a desk in the SEP2 office posing for his headshot


Central Response Team Manager

Kieron has been with SEP2 since 2019 and works in our support team.

For Kieron, there is no typical day at SEP2, for one day he can be working through open tickets, another day you could be working on a priority case for the duration of the day, and another day you could be working on an ongoing project, but what Kieron enjoys is that the mix of challenges keeps the role fresh and interesting.

Kieron likes that within the support team everybody works well together, and shares knowledge between every level and are constantly being encouraged to learn.

In his spare time, Kieron’s current favourite hobby is working on his allotment, which gives him a nice change of scenery and a break from technology.